SGPNow News

What Is the Importance of Property Maintenance?

Complete and proper maintenance is required for ensuring the value of any property. Property maintenance is especially important to real estate inv...

Why is Securing a Vacant Property Important?

To secure and protect properties from intruders, squatters and vandalism, property owners employ measures to ensure the they are secure through reg...

What is a Broker Price Opinion or BPO?

A professional assessment of a property’s value in real estate is known as the broker price opinion, or BPO. Generally while determining the price ...

7 Important Steps for Winterizing Your Properties

Winterizations prevent potentially severe and expensive water damage. In cold climates, vacant properties are vulnerable to costly and serious dama...

Why Property Registration is So Important?

Years ago, property registration ordinances were not as popular as they are today in the U.S. There were maybe a handful of vacant property registr...

What Are the Benefits of a Pre-Listing Inspection?

Pre-listing inspections, one of the services offered by to property owners, is what every seller needs to consider before putting their ...

Tips for Partnering With Homeowner's Associations

As a business that provides property services, SGPNow understands the need for good customer service and quality work to encourage repeat customers...

Property Inspection: Mistakes to Avoid Before Buying a Property

A property inspection provides photos and descriptions of a property which helps to find the defects of the home's interior and exterior. It is nec...

Why a Home Inspection is Important Before Moving to a New Property?

The process of assessing the physical conditions of a property or an apartment is known as a home or property inspection. It can identify any actua...

Home Inspection: What to Expect From a Home Inspection?

In a home inspection documents are assessed in an attempt to find defects of the home's interior and exterior. It is a way to get a third party opi...

Why Is It Important to Perform a Property Inspection Before Renting a House?

Before renting a property, it’s essential to perform a property inspection. This ensures that both the interest of the landlord and tenants are pro...

What is a Typical Checklist for an Exterior Property Inspection?

What is an Exterior Inspection? An exterior inspection provides photos and descriptions of the outside of a property. It documents the home or prop...